Trust God Through the Storm

What are the storms in your life? What are the things which have you tossing and turning? It is time that we start doing what Jesus did. When the storm was raging and the waves were covering the boat, where was Jesus? Was He fretful or fearing capsizing? No, but in Matthew 8:23-27 we find our Jesus sleeping. The disciples had to wake Him up. He wasn’t concerned about the storm all around Him and neither should we be. Our faith and focus has to be on Him and His promises in His word.

Trust Him. We can sleep through the storm. He is in control.

Pray with me please.

Father God,

You are all that we want or need. With You we can fly on wings like eagles, we can run and not grow weary, we can walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). Help us to trust, be patient and wait on You. May our focus remain on You at all times. You provide us with peace (John 14:27). We are secure with You. By putting our faith in action, help us to relax and to start ‘sleeping’ through our storms. Let Your will be done in our life’s. We will continue to give You all the praise for we ask all things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

If you do not know Jesus but would like to know more about Him, including how you can be saved, please read the following blog titled,
You Never Let Us Go. God bless.

Published by thefathersfeet

A lady that loves the Lord Jesus Christ and wants to follow Him wholeheartedly in every area every aspect of my life so that in the end I hear, "Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord." If you do not know Jesus but would like to know more about Him, please read the following blog titled, Never let Us Go. God bless.

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