Meant For More

The topic is suicide. Don’t do it. Do not even think on it. Suicide is never an answer. It only creates a ton of problems. I know you do not want to hurt the people who love you. You would be destroying them. The pain of losing you would be more than they could bear.

Suicidal thoughts come from anxiety, stress, depression, job loss and many other things. We need to retrain our brain. We have choices in life. We can choose to feed ourselves untruths. We all know what they are (not good or pretty enough, not rich enough, not worthy, stupid, etc.) I had to quit with the list because it brought tears to my eyes. Those things simply are not true. Not for you, me or anyone else. They are lies of the enemy of our soul. He wants to kill, steal and destroy us. He will use any weapon in his arsenal to achieve his wicked scheme. We can believe the lies of the enemy and sometimes even those closest to us OR We can believe and tell ourselves the truths as listed below from the Bible.

You are dearly loved by God (John 3:16).

You are known by God (1 Corinthians 8:3).

The Lord knit you together in your mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5).

God has a plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

God knows how many hairs are on your head (Luke 12:7).

Your life has purpose (Romans 8:28).

You are precious to God (Isaiah 43:4).

You were made in His image (Genesis 1:27).

He has precious thoughts of you (Psalm 139:17).

He desires to walk closely with you (Micah 6:8).

He has given His life for you (1Timothy 2:6).

You are beautiful (1Peter 3:3-4).

You are His child (Galatians 3:26).

He would search the whole earth to find you (2 Chronicles 16:9).

You cannot outrun His love (Psalm 139:7).

You are worthy (Romans 5:8).

You are God’s special creation (1 Peter 2:9).

You are chosen (1 Peter 2:9).

You are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).

Those are the things we need to feed ourselves. I believe our soul is starved for the truth of who we are according to the word of God. So go ahead, make notecards, post them on your mirrors, doors, dash of car, headboard, and notebooks.

God created each of us for a purpose. Do not let satan (purposely not capitalized) steal what God has purposed for your life. Do not believe the lies of the enemy or the world any longer. Speak to your enemy, if it is fear, doubt, unworthiness, or any other negative thoughts and tell them to go away in the name of Jesus.

Now feed your inner child some well deserved and much needed truths. Love yourself. I know that God does. You matter. Your life matters. God has a purpose for you. Focus on finding it and send the garbage from the enemy back to hell where it belongs.

Pray with me please,

Father God,

You are Lord of everything. I want to make You Lord of my mind and thoughts. Father, You know everything and You know that I have been held captive by the lies of the enemy for too long. Satan has used death, fear, unworthiness, doubt and a slew of other negative emotions for long enough. (Say this out loud) Father, I speak out loud to them, in Jesus’ name, to flee from my mind.

 I ask You to loose more of Your Spirit in my life. Draw me in closer to You. Please help me to fill my mind with the truths about me, from Your Holy word. May I get so full of the truth about who I am that I am able to help others who are believing the lies. May my life be a reflection of the power of the most High God living and breathing in me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) I am more than a conqueror through Jesus. (Romans 8:37) I praise You and thank You for restoring my life. You are my hope and You fill me with joy. May I sing of Your greatness and power. I feel the release right now. Death, you have no hold over me for I am a child of God, marked with His seal. In Jesus’ name I pray.

We are instructed to bear one another’s burdens, (Galatians 6:2) so if there are any prayer requests feel free to leave them in the comment section. I would be honored to pray with you. If it is more private you can always contact me via email at I check that every day. Blessings to you all, till we meet again, tomorrow, if the Lord is willing. Peace.

To know Jesus more personally please read the following

Let’s worship today with

Calling For a Flood by John Waller

Our God Reigns Here by John Waller

Published by thefathersfeet

A lady that loves the Lord Jesus Christ and wants to follow Him wholeheartedly in every area every aspect of my life so that in the end I hear, "Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord." If you do not know Jesus but would like to know more about Him, please read the following blog titled, Never let Us Go. God bless.

16 thoughts on “Meant For More

    1. Yes, it is my prayer that God uses it to touch the hearts of many. I am a part of a Facebook group called Proverbs 31 woman and I saw a post there about a person wanting to harm themselves. That’s when I felt led to write a blog dealing with it, instead of just reaching one, I want the Lord to use it to reach millions. It is such a dark time in our world. I can see how satan would use this time for his purposes. But God has a different story for our lives! All praise be to the One who drew me out of the miry pit and set my feet on The Rock. God bless you friend. Have a great day. Thanks for reblogging.

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  1. As person who was almost taken out by satan (I always had a problem capitalizing that word), your post spoke to my heart. THANK YOU for speaking such Truths through Scriptures into people’s hearts. For me, Jesus shone His Light into my life, one dreary day at a time … There is no better reason to live than to live for HIM. THANKS!!!! And thanks, Steve!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome. I am thrilled that the Lord saw fit to use me in such a mighty way.
      I thank God for your life. Thank God that greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world.
      I am so glad that I am not alone in my desire to leave satan’s name in lower case letters. God bless you, my sister in Christ, and draw you ever so close to His side. Thanks for your very meaningful comment. ♡ Donna

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  2. Ah yes, you are so right. Suicide leaves behind it a wake of guilt and destruction. My niece committed suicide when she was only 19. She’d be in her 50’s today. Her death lives in each of us who loved her… and motivates us to spread love and hope and blessings to all we meet, just as you do. God bless you! Have a Marvelous Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. Truly I am. You are very good at spreading the hope and joy in serving Christ. May His light continue to shine through you and draw others to Him. God bless you as well my friend. Monday is fun day! At least I want to try to make it so. It is too cold to go outside right now. The little ones,11 and 15, are doing school work. But it is work I assigned LOL,as the school isn’t giving them enough. This afternoon I think it will be time to start a puzzle. What’s going on in your world?


      1. I start my day in my sanctuary. After an hour or so of prayer time, Bible & Devo reading, I am often inspired to create the post on my blog for the morning. Then we come down & fix brkfst together and enjoy leisurely time with our lovely mountain views. The rest of the day is kinda up to God’s leading. These days, I write, Bob reads, and our pup, TazE begs for tummy rubs. Life’s good!! Our kids & grandkids are in CA & Switzerland ( one here in MT ). We just started a family sharing of videos on MarcoPolo. It’s fun!

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      2. Sounds beautiful! Ahhh the beauty of out west that I haven’t got to go see, yet. My husband is longing to take me, as he knows how much I love trees and nature. What kind of dog is TazE? Hope you are having a great Spirit filled day! 🙂 Hugs

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      3. If you love trees and nature, mountains and rivers, and views of stars in the Big Sky, Montana is the place to visit! TazE is a 9 year-old Boston Terrier (who thinks she’s 2)! I think if you put “TazE” or “dogs” in the search bar on my blog site, I think some of my prior posts with pictures of her would show up.

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  3. There are some right this moment who are thinking of suicide especially with the phobias created in isolation.


    1. Yes that is so sad. It is why I feel the Lord laid this blog on my heart. He wants to get His word out. I pray people would listen to the word of the Lord as contained in His word, the Bible. Thanks for the comment. If you know anyone feeling suicidal, please share this link with them. God bless you. We need to reach out in love.

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      1. I will! Life is becoming strange. I hope that everyone come to the understanding of the end times that we are living in. May God Bless you in your work!

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